Estee Lauder is one of the absolute most generous corporate supporters of Breast Cancer Awareness month. Join the fight and show your support by purchasing items from the Estee Lauder 2006 Pink Ribbon Collection. 100% of the net proceeds from the sale of these items will benefit The Breast Cancer Research Foundation. I can't say it better than Macy's:
"Wear pink--it's the color that's made for you. And your mother. Your sister. Your daughter. Your girlfriend. Your wife. The Estée Lauder Companies' Pink Ribbon Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign is dedicated to raising awareness that early detection of breast cancer greatly enhances the chances of survival. Help Us Win This Fight. Estée Lauder will donate 100% of the net proceeds from the sale of our exclusive Pink Ribbon 2006 products to The Breast Cancer Research Foundation, dedicated to preventing breast cancer and finding a cure in our lifetime. To learn more, call toll-free 1-866-FIND.A.CURE or visit Think pink. Buy pink. Wear pink this October. And together we will win this fight."
The 2006 Estee Lauder Pink Ribbon Collection items are, pictured from left to right:
* Pink Ribbon Pin $15.00
* Pure Color Long Lasting Lipstick in Elizabeth Shimmer Pink $22.00
* Pure Color Crystal Lipstick in Elizabeth Pink $22.00
* Pure Color Crystal Gloss in Evelyn Pink $20.00
* Pure Color Gloss in Evelyn Hot Pink $20.00
* Pink Ribbon Compact in Translucent $45.00
Click on the photo to link to the Estee Lauder Pink Ribbon Collection at where you can purchase any of the pictured items.