New York Fashion Week kicked off this morning and that has everyone talking Fall 2007 fashion before most of us have even picked out our Spring wardrobes. What's a girl to do? Smart shoppers take cues from what will be hot in Fall to help pick Spring fashions that will still be relevant and on-trend when the fall chill sets in. Here's one of the best behind-the-scenes tools for doing just that.
Pantone, the global color authority and provider of professional color standards for the design industries, has just released it's Fall 2007 Color Report. The famous report, the release of which coincides with the beginning of Fashion Week, pulls together the color palettes from each of the designer collections showcased at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week and distills them into the Top 10 Colors for Fall. This widely-used report will be a reference throughout the year for everyone from fashion magazines, to ready-to-wear designers, to mainstream retailers. It will help these professionals pick the colors that will grace the shelves of your local boutiques, malls, and discount stores and the pages of your favorite glossy.
Miss Sixty "Mahtab" Sweater$64.99 (was $120-- save 46%!)
Available at: Bluefly
Don't worry. The shift from last fall won't be as scary as it seems. Remember, fall is still a good eight months away and spring fashions have already started the move towards more color. To get the most from your wardrobe choices this spring, keep the fall color palette in mind when you hit the stores. Many colors, such as yellow and deep blue, are doing double duty appearing in both the Spring and Fall lines. A perfect spring wardrobe choice is this yellow wool "Mahtab" Sweater from Miss Sixty (above left). It will look fresh and fun paired with a khaki skirt and wedge espadrilles this spring. Put it in storage for the hot summer months and then pull it out again come September. The mustard yellow color accented with a deep brown self-belt is right on trend with the Fall 2007 color palette and will look fabulously chic topping a pair of dark, wide-leg jeans.
Click on the photo to link directly to where you can pick up the versatile Miss Sixty "Mahtab" Sweater online. Want Fashion Week news you can use in real life? Subscribe to Stiletto Jungle and get free updates by e-mail or RSS.