Sally Hansen Instant Cuticle Remover
$5.49 (was $6.19-- save 11%!)
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If you’re going to wear dark, don’t be lazy about the upkeep and know that it looks hideous when you’re walking around with that trashy look. For those who are lazy about keeping up with manicures, just use lighter pinkish or beige polish colors to minimize the upkeep. At least when the lighter polishes start chipping they don’t look as obvious and painfully bad.
Believe it or not, at home manicures can be a lot better looking, when you take care of your cuticles. By take care, I mean appropriate care. Not using a cuticle clipper and going to town on your cuticles, having 15 little blood spots-- not cute. Using cuticle lotion or gel is a great way to automatically get rid of excess cuticle, and then if there is a hang nail you can cut it with a clipper. Otherwise, pushing the cuticle back in an upward motion once the cuticle removing gel has set for about 30 seconds is the way to go.
Essie cabi-o-lait Nail Polish
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For simple, clean nails after you’ve prepared the cuticles there is a perfect polish that will complete the sophisticated maintained manicure look. Essie makes a nice soft pinkish nail color called, “cabio-o-lait.” I love this color and it lasts a long time. This translucent pink polish is very glossy and will definitely make your nails look like you got an expensive well-done polish job, especially over nails that have been soaked and transformed from unnecessary excess cuticles to clean pushed back cuticles.