Okay, these might be no brainers for you stylish Stiletto Jungle readers but once you watch the video, you will be able to think of at least 7 less stylish friends who need the advice.
Consider, in one day, I saw numerous accounts of people “sporting” these 7 faux pas. The breaking point was when I was standing at a service counter and there was a woman wearing a well worn wool coat (at least a couple of years old). The single breasted coat had a pleated skirt and tabbed sleeves. The pleats were still tightly closed because she had not removed the temporary thread from the bottom of the coat AND the tabbed sleeve on the left arm caught my attention because of the white label with the “100% Wool” tag still attached. Clearly, she needs this advice.
Now you know two of the “sins”. Watch the video for all 7.
Do you have any other basics you think everyone should know but they clearly don’t? Leave me a comment.